Custom Software Solution

The team at Auditor Training Online asked Otron to provide a solution that would allow their business to operate fully online and without any need for human interaction throughout the entire process of enrolment and training.

We devised a solution that would allow for new students to:

  • Register Online
  • Select a Course
  • Pay Online
  • Manage Their Account
  • Login To Their Course Material
  • Access Course Content

The system offers a single sign on process that seamlessly allows the student to transition from their account management portal into the 3rd party Learning Management System that the team at Auditor Training Online have chosen to deliver the course material.

Not only can the students manage their courses, but the team at Auditor Training Online use the system to manage students, courses and course material.  They can also manage the content of the website with our fully integrated content management solution.

The system automatically detects the origin country of the end user, allowing customised content to be displayed based on the location.

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